Let imagine for a moment, the perfect marketing world. You or someone from your team reaches out for the first time to a prospect precisely when they have a need, they are willing to speak with a sales rep immediately, Continue reading →
So you recently launched a telemarketing initiative, how it doing? What are your reports telling you? Are they meaningful? As you can imagine (and probably have experienced), there are a multitude of metrics that can be utilized and/or provided by Continue reading →
Marketing responsibilities should not end when a lead is generated and provided to the sales organization. Rather, marketing departments should seek ways to impact and track the entire lifecycle of the lead until closure. TeleNet’s process to accomplish this is Continue reading →
Is tactical campaign management getting in the way of your strategic vision? It easy to let this happen since managing a lead generation initiative takes a great deal of focus on small details that can either make or break your Continue reading →
Training is critical when bringing new employees into your company and especially into your call center. Offering a full range of training should include teaching them about the company’s product or service, explaining the company’s core competencies, showing them how Continue reading →
Often times when programs are running well (steady lead rate), our clients are less engaged. It certainly understandable, as most marketing professionals are overloaded and running from fire to fire, so when a campaign looks good, there a tendency to Continue reading →
Interviewing and qualifying candidates for multi-channel marketing positions is not an easy task. Many of our clients and prospective clients ask us how we tackle agent recruitment. Here our interview approach,
Perhaps like many of you, I spent this past weekend cleaning house. On a hot and sunny Georgia Saturday, you can’t help but feel a little resentful when you’re stuck inside sweeping, dusting, folding laundry, and wondering exactly how it Continue reading →
Several months ago, we released the results of our telemarketing best in class survey of high-tech marketers. One of the most interesting discoveries was that a majority (63.4 percent) of our