A holistic approach to lead generation.
Much of TeleNet's business involves uncovering and qualifying buyers of our clients' B2B products and services. Through our teleprospecting and lead generation services, we'll give you details on who is evaluating and why, and will provide quality information to positively impact your company's revenue.
With TeleNet as your B2B marketing and lead generation partner, you will confidently provide your sales organization with marketing qualified leads (MQLs) and appointments they truly want, while giving your marketing drivers valuable analytics and intelligence to shape your next B2B marketing initiative and gain greater return on your marketing investment.
Our B2B teleprospecting and lead generation success is rooted in our holistic approach...
Results-Driven Experience
Leverage years of B2B tele experience, creating positive return on B2B marketing investment.
Market Intelligence
Identify valuable B2B marketing trends and commonalities to shape future lead generation initiatives for a greater ROI.
Actionable Analysis
Track source and asset performance; focusing on the best performers will boost marketing qualified leads (MQLs) and decrease cost per lead.
Collaborative Alignment
Build and accelerate pipeline thru tight sales and marketing alignment, creating a warm lead-to-sales handoff and a feedback loop.
Proven Processes
Utilize our proven 10-step process to confidently develop and launch lead generation campaigns that will obtain quality sales-ready leads.
Investigative Approach
Obtain more marketing qualified leads. Our lead development representatives' investigative approach is responsible for 30% more leads, on average.
Contact us online or call 877.282.2345 to learn about lead generation for your business.