Maximizing Responder Results with Telemarketing - TeleNet Marketing

Maximizing Responder Results with Telemarketing – Don’t Generate Responses in Vain!

Online media, direct mail, email blasts, banner ads – these are no small expense!! Make sure your dollars don’t go to waste by adhering to the following guidelines:

  1. Telemarketing is key to the success of any overall lead generation strategy. Make sure your marketing plan always includes telemarketing follow up to the responses you generate. Nothing takes the place of a person to person conversation. A response is a raised hand and should not be left unattended. A one-on-one interaction can turn that response into a sales ready lead or even closed revenue, so make sure your marketing plan always includes telemarketing follow up to the responses you generate.
  2. Make sure your telemarketers are provided with specifics. Giving all pertinent information to the teams that will be conducting the follow up conversations will facilitate truly effective lead generation conversations. Referencing specifics regarding a prospect interest always enhances credibility. Provide not just the content that generated the response, but also the date and time that each prospect took action. You worked hard to generate that response, capitalize on it!
  3. Response follow up should be conducted as soon as possible. Letting responses sit without attempting to establish in person contact is essentially letting an interest die. It doesn’t take long for responses to cool off. After only a few weeks (and shorter for transactional products), responses can be as cold as a purchased list,what a waste!