Roles and Responsibilities Necessary to Ensure TeleProspecting Success

Roles and Responsibilities Necessary to Ensure TeleProspecting Success

It’s likely that you’ve heard the phrase “it takes a village” in reference to how an entire community of people must interact with children for those children to flourish and grow.  A similar philosophy is utilized at TeleNet to ensure our outbound teleprospecting campaigns successfully contribute to a robust and healthy sales pipeline for our clients. Just like a child will not grow and flourish alone, a marketing campaign will not thrive without skilled lead development representatives and a team of messaging, productivity and data experts. Following is a glimpse into the different roles and responsibilities of our “village”

Account Executive

  • Sets expectations based on historical results
  • Agrees upon deliverables and measurements of success
  • Ensures cohesiveness throughout the engagement

Program Director

  • Creates conversation guides and templates utilizing key messaging and value propositions
  • Manages timelines and deliverables
  • Provides daily communication to all internal and external parties
  • Supplies ongoing market analysis and recommendations to optimize results

Data Specialists

  • Creates custom reporting to track key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Performs list preparation, data augmentation, normalization, prioritization
  • Manages DNCs and suppression
  • Integrates with client CRM

Program Supervisor

  • Oversees productivity
  • Coaches, calibrates and refines technique and approach
  • Encourages, recognizes and rewards performance

Lead Development Representatives

  • Implements proactive touch points using phone, 1:1 email and relevant e-content
  • Navigates corporate organizations, researching and obtaining referrals
  • Engages, nurtures and qualifies buyers
  • Captures market feedback

Quality Assurance

  • Aligns output with expectations 
  • Implements an “inspect what we expect”  methodology
  • Ensures continuity and consistency of product across multiple LDRs

All roles work together to create highly qualified marketing leads and appointments, which in turn generate a robust sales pipeline and positive return on investment for our clients.

Want to learn more about how TeleNet can help your organization reach your sales goals? Contact us today to schedule a discovery session with one of our account executives.
Learn more about how our team works with your team to ensure success: