Dedicating Yourself to Lead Generation Telemarketing

Dedicating Yourself to Lead Generation Telemarketing

Many of our clients are faced with the decision of whether to outsource telemarketing on a campaign basis or to invest in a dedicated telemarketing agent (or team of agents) on a long-term basis. Assuming your overall telemarketing volume warrants it, utilizing a dedicated team on a consistent basis has noticeable benefits. Some of those advantages are,

Training– Dedicated agent(s) become a true extension of your sales team. They receive initial training before the launch, and build upon that knowledge through ongoing monthly/quarterly training sessions, as well as independent research. You can also incorporate your telemarketing agents into your corporate culture by having them attend annual sales and marketing meetings, engage with your sales channel (as appropriate), and taking part in your certification programs. Alternatively, when you outsource on a campaign by campaign basis, in many cases your outsource agency will need to assign a different agent to each campaign – perhaps someone who does not have experience calling on your behalf.

Consistent Flow of Leads– After the pilot period, benchmarks and baselines for productivity are determined and you typically can rely on a consistent flow of leads. This makes monthly/quarterly trending and determining potential ROI much simpler. Conversely, if you engage in campaign work, you will see peaks and valleys in your lead flow. A dedicated consistent model eliminates the unpredictability of lead volume.

Greater Analysis– With a dedicated team, you are more easily able to test new markets and introduce alternative value propositions and messaging. It also easier to spot