Through our Marketing Blog, we share a lot of calling strategies and techniques about our outbound calling campaigns. Today, I’d like to focus our attention to inbound campaigns and share a few tips about managing those programs.
- Inbound calls happen at all hours of the day. Establish a back-up team who can be available to handle immediate situations if the core team is busy handling other callers.
- It can be difficult to predict what a caller may need and how a situation should be handled. Create a work-in-progress document that details all processes and procedures at not only the agent level, but also the Quality Assurance, Supervisor, and Program Manager levels. When new situations arise, it is important to update the document and share new processes with the entire team.
- Hold bi-weekly team meetings to discuss new and updated processes with all members of the core team, as well as the back-up team. While the back-up team may not be needed often, they need to stay current with processes and training.
- Some topics do not come up every day, or even every week. Keep knowledge fresh by providing weekly quizzes to the team about product lines they may not have received a call about in a while.
- An inbound caller knows what they want when they call. Agents must be able to actively listen and let the caller drive the conversation. During weekly team meetings, set up role play sessions to ensure that agents can handle unique situations in an effective manner.
The customer experience must be kept at the top of mind of all individuals involved in the inbound campaign. No matter what the situation is, the customer must end up being satisfied with the outcome. These techniques should be established internally to ensure a positive outcome.