For any ongoing effort, it important to benchmark periodically in order to keep an eye not only on the success of your efforts but also the market reception. Aside from just looking at the numbers, it important to look at feedback from your market in terms of how prospects are answering particular questions. For example, if you’re asking why they’re not interested in a particular offer or subject, how has that answer changed over time? What does that say about the offer? Is it no longer of interest? Is there some other topic taking precedence? How can you adjust your messaging to better accommodate this new interest or concern?
Similarly, it important to track the reasons prospects are interested in your offering, and benchmark over time to determine what is deemed of value to your audience. Where possible, capture what elements or aspects of your offering are most attractive to your target market. Use that information to help direct future efforts, in terms of both messaging and special offers.
Finally, don’t be afraid to ask your own target market what areas they think you could improve. If people are dissatisfied with a particular aspect of your business model – whether real or perceived – you need to be aware of it even if only to proactively address that concern in future efforts.