Three Steps to Starting the New Year Off Right

Three Steps to Starting the New Year Off Right

While the end of the year can be quite hectic due to professional and personal obligations, the beginning of a new year is a great time for planning and optimizing your telemarketing lead generation initiatives.

Here are 3 steps to help you refocus and start the New Year off right:

  1. Review 2009 Performance: Take the time to analyze your results. How did you program(s) perform compared to last quarter or last year? How did the market respond to your message and answer key questions? Segment your lead data in multiple ways (i.e. by geography, by title, by company size, by list source, by installed product) to see if you can identify any trends or sweet spots. Determine which strategies and tactics were effective and which ones could be improved.
  2. Conduct a Lead Audit: Engage the sales team to review the leads passed to sales and identify which leads made it into the pipeline, which leads resulted in sales and which leads fell out. Are there commonalities? Should you modify your qualification criteria? Should you target a specific segment?
  3. Set 2010 Objectives: Work with your telemarketing team to establish goals for the year (or the quarter), and be sure to prioritize them. Did you establish performance benchmarks last year? Will your goals be the same or more aggressive this year? Are they achievable? Are your lead generation objectives tied to sales goals?

What are some steps you are taking to improve your telemarketing lead generation programs this year?