Creating a Lead Nurturing Marketing Matrix 101

Creating a Lead Nurturing Marketing Matrix 101

When developing a lead nurturing campaign, you must make sure you have a well defined marketing matrix. Once you have performed a baseline qualification of your leads and have crafted value propositions which uniquely position your service/product, it time to make sure your marketing matrix is clearly defined and audited on a regular basis.

What is a Marketing Matrix? – A marketing matrix is a chart that aligns the relevant content available for use during the lead nurturing process. Content may include on-demand webinars, podcasts, white papers, case studies, events and third party articles. All content should map to specific prospect segments. A marketing matrix will typically include a combination of key categories such as title, industry, and challenges.
Below are three elements that should be considered as you develop and audit your marketing matrix:

  1. Consistency: It is important that all marketing materials included within the matrix share the same