Keys for Nurturing at the Account Level

Keys for Nurturing at the Account Level

Through the process of tele-qualifying marketing responders, contacts are called to determine decision-making authority and assessment of needs. For those who are not sales ready, you can provide them relevant content via email and add them to your nurturing strategy for ongoing and relevant follow-up.

As you acquire and develop ready-to-be nurtured contacts from your marketing responder programs, naturally you are going to see some overlap at the account level. Therefore, it important to leverage all of the data captured from various contacts (in different departments and/or decision-making roles) across the account. Here are some general account level data points/areas that you should capture throughout your conversations, which will enable your calling agents to better utilize their time and efforts during the nurturing process.

  1. Overview of Account(products/services offered, industries served, etc)
  2. Main contacts at account (key decision makers and cooresponding areas of responsibility)
  3. Sales reps/team members they are engaged with or assigned
  4. Existing environmental information (products/services, vendors, length of relationship, strength of relationship
  5. Budget/spend by
  6. Key account initiatives

In terms of logistics, this