Tightly Integrating Sales & Marketing Teams is a Key to Lead Generation Success

Tightly Integrating Sales & Marketing Teams is a Key to Lead Generation Success

One of our clients recently shared with us some amazing information about how our efforts are impacting their sales – and the importance of our work. This feedback was the kind of feedback that makes you beam with pride and feel your team has really done something quite special.

While we get positive feedback from our clients frequently, this was different. The impact was different. So, I looked at what they/we are doing together and looked for anything that stood out as a best practice that our other clients should adopt. Here what I found,

Their marketing and sales teams are linked together more tightly than many of our clients. In fact, telemarketing is really viewed as a sales-support function and thus, the sales team is just as involved with the program as the marketing team. Here how they make it work,

  • A Sales Manager and a Marketing Manager are jointly responsible for the telemarketing efforts. They work together closely on content and messaging. However, not to complicate direction and communication to TeleNet, they’ve assigned one person to be our go-to-person.
  • Call Monitoring Sessions are not solely done at the management level. Instead, Account Executives are invited to listen to the telemarketing agents and offer their advice based on their real-world sales experience.
  • A monthly team meeting takes place and includes the TeleNet team, as well as our client marketing manager, sales managers and individual account executives. An agenda is set for each meeting, however, topics generally include:
    • Individual and Overall Lead Feedback from the AE Perspective
    • Discussion of what working/not working on the telemarketing messaging
    • Review/Discussion of which market segments are yielding best results
    • Discussion of tactics and pertinent adjustments

Bottom-line, the sales team is more tightly integrated in the telemarketing program and process than probably 75% of our clients. For more tips on how to achieve this type of integration, here a link to a previous article: Bridging The Gap Between Marketing and Sales to Ensure Telemarketing Lead Generation Success