We are hearing it every day, more and more companies are struggling under the pressures of doing more with less due to budget cuts and freezes. These are trying times, according to most headlines, where brief glimpses of a fast approaching economic rebound only last for a day. The truth is, the future is uncertain. This uncertainty, however, should not be seen as an impassable roadblock to your plans for generating revenue for your organization. Instead it should be seen as an opportunity to talk about the issues that really matter. Now is the time to get critical. This introspection focused on survival is the driving force behind innovation. Our challenges will produce a better product, a more streamlined organization, and a more intense focus on serving our customers like our lives depended on it.
So what do we mean by getting “critical”? It simple. Focusing on the issues that will make or break a business. How does this translate into lead generation initiatives? Our message needs to change. We are no longer speaking with prospects that are in a position to fund their