Lead Nurturing

Human Touch Lead Nurturing - A relationship building approach.

Buyer research studies (like this one) show that buyers interact with sales representatives from the beginning to the end of the buyer's journey; and at higher expenditure levels, human-to-human interactions are used even more frequently. Consequently, B2B marketing strategies need a balanced mix of non-human and human-to-human interactions.

TeleNet is an expert in human-to-human communication.

Our human-touch lead nurturing methodology utilizes a 1:1 communication strategy, combining well-timed phone calls, relevant one-to-one emails and marketing content. All communication originates from a team of dedicated lead development representatives, creating alignment with buyers, and allowing relationships to form.

Our recipe for a successful human-touch lead nurturing strategy includes three major steps:

Step 1

Using teleprospecting, create profiles for a core group of target B2B prospects.

Step 2

Segment prospects based on their unique situation and buying stage.

Step 3

Create an ongoing contact strategy and lead nurturing approach customized for each prospect.

Read our article on TeleNet's marketing blog for a deeper look at how our lead nurturing methodology works - Human Touch Nurturing: Why it Matters and How it Improves Results

Read The Article

If you are seeking effective ways to boost your marketing output, increase and build your pipeline and shorten your sales cycle, implementing a B2B human-touch lead nurturing strategy is a leap in the right direction.

To learn more about TeleNet's B2B lead nurturing services, contact us online or call 877.282.2345.